Projekte 2012-2024
2024 : Recherche "The Bingöl Project"

a road trip to the Armenien border through the regions of Türkiye forms the basis for a geohistorical search for traces through ancient landscapes.3 artists take an approach in each of their media.The research is a step forward towards understanding how cultures migrate and complement each other.Ruth Biller creates a storyboard, drawings with ink.Mahmut Celayir paints his homeland.Alfred Graf collects honey from the bees of Kur and scoops soil from mountain rivers.
2022/23 : Artist in Residence Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz, Austria

„Durchsichtig schwebend die Spitze“: 3 months residency in Bregenz, Vorarlberg, Austria was a work in progress stay, reseraching traditional forms of embroidery in the region, to transform products in art context. Its about building up a rhythm that becomes the principle of painting and printwork and creates its own spatiality through the use of embroidery motifs. Within the idea, I have in mind to convert concrete things (embroidery goods) into abstraction, but also to steer utilitarian goods (ornament, decoration of clothing) into the absurd. I have explored a lot of information, material and texts about embroidery. Many people in Bregenz and the surrounding area are directly or indirectly involved in textile processing and told me their stories. At the end of January I had the wonderful opportunity to open my studio at the Palais with a small presentation. There was an evening with a large audience on the occasion of the opening of artist members in the Künstlerhaus.
2020 Bilderwege: Artist in Residence La Maison de Barbara, Ayvalık, Türkei
My stay as Artist in Residence in Ayvalik, Maison de Barbara took place under the influence of COVID-19 events. Since I was in a special environment and not at home, I was very intensely aware of what it means not to know what can happen in the very near future. I was prepared to work in a concentrated manner and I was very focused. Since I was making a diary in pictures, I had the idea to put these special circumstances into film. I hadn’t planned that before. I sat in front of the camera and described my situation. I was also affected by the flight stop.I mainly worked on my paintings.
In my film, I reflected on what social changes are necessary, also and especially in view of the human disasters on the European-Asian border. In view of the suffering of many people, especially in the cold of March, April near Lesvos, I wish for peace and more humanity.My painting and my film has the title: „And still it will be spring“.“Und trotzdem wird es Frühling“. Nature moves in the rhythm of becoming and passing away, it copes with the pandemic through renewal..
My concept uses it.
2019 Broken Wishes, the Universal Sea

2016 Ruth Biller "MUSIKA Sound of Lichtenberg" Portobello Film Festival, London